Articles submitted for publication in Eduschool should strictly adhere to the following: Provide original work in chemistry which is not published elsewhere in any medium by the authors or anyone else, and is not under consideration for publication in any other medium. Eduschool is a scientific journal which publishes latest research results from all fields of chemistry, thus articles should focus on the aims and scope of the journal. Format should be as in the Dummy Article Template File Article should be written in English language. Articles should also be clear and correctly grammatically written, in an easily readable style. (Note: All the references should be written in English Language). Should be submitted by the Online Submission Module at www.eduschool.co The articles are sent to the Editorial Board Members based on their research areas for reviewing. After receiving the comments from two reviewers and collectively drawing the conclusion, the comments are sent to the authors. The articles can be fully acceptable or the articles can be completely rejected or the articles may be asked for some minor corrections or the articles may be required to be submitted again after major revision. Once the revised articles are received from the authors then they are sent for printing. The authors firstly receive the Gally Proof of their articles which are sent to them by e-mail for any corrections to be incorporated. After the editing and corrections are done then the authors will receive the Final Gally Proof to see what actually their paper will look as. After incorporating the final corrections the articles are sent for printing. The authors receive the Electronic Reprint of their articles. In case or some discrepancies Erratum is provided in the next issue.